Ask Deeper Questions. Get Deeper Answers.

The Power of GenAI for Insights From your Data

Ask Questions Across Diverse Data Sources

Connect to all your data

Quickly connect to data warehouses, databases, spreadsheets, and more

As easy to use as chatGPT

Ask questions in natural language. And get instant answers from a personal AI Analyst with unlimited patience.

Tailored to your Business & Easy to Implement

AI-Ready Knowledge Fabric

You can train our systems for your organization’s specific needs. For example, your specific definition for churn or ARR

Get up and running in under a day

We use your existing BI tools to launch quickly. Our data modeling co-pilot makes it easy to tailor WisdomAI to your datasets and customs

Personalized, Proactive Insights

Answers tailored to each user

AI analyst adapts its answers to users based on their role, context, and insights history

Insights pushed to users

Proactively receive additional insights without needing to prompt the system.

Answers with Continously Improve with Usage

Ever-improving knowledge fabric

As you add more data and more users, WisdomAI adapts and improves model performance

Smarter outcomes from pooled expertise

As more users engage, their prompts become smart questions for subsequent users, an ever-refining cycle

Secure, Trusted and Accurate

Maintain all user data privileges

WisdomAI respects all your existing data access rules, so each user can only access data where they have permission

Minimal hallucinations

We benefit from all the recent progress with Large Language Models, but we only use them for reasoning and analysis, not for memory and storage

Insights at your fingertips with AI-powered analytics

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